Why Recent Cybersecurity Investments Have Been Inefficient and Ineffective

Anas Chbib
5 min readJul 21, 2021

Cybersecurity is now a common concern for companies of all sizes. Cyberattacks have become more frequent and more dangerous. According to an Insight-commissioned IDG survey, 78% of IT leaders lack confidence in their company’s security infrastructure. Remote work has created a new set of cybersecurity challenges. The result is that we expect to see more resources applied towards cybersecurity efforts, as high as a 91% increase for cybersecurity budgets in 2021.

A vast amount of information is available online about companies and their employees. Hackers can use that information to launch attacks against a company. In such attacks, the hackers penetrate the company’s systems and get access to valuable company information, such as banking information, customer lists, or other confidential company data. The hackers can also manipulate the information so that the company’s systems will appear to be damaged or broken.

The cybersecurity industry is constantly changing. As threats emerge, new technologies are developed, and new approaches are taken to counter risks. This article showcases many of the changes in the field of cybersecurity over the past few years and reviews the major trends in cybersecurity permeating enterprises and how they are affecting many aspects of a business.

It’s not a secret that the cybersecurity industry has been deeply impacted by the pandemic. In the wake of the crisis, we’ve been able to see how many, many different organizations have been affected and how diverse the impacts have been. However, it’s also become very apparent that the industry has evolved, and that the nature of the threats themselves has changed.

The proliferation of advanced threats and cyber espionage has become a daily reality for both organizations and individuals. For organizations, this largely means defining and implementing a comprehensive security posture that addresses the most critical points of network admission control, endpoint protection, and data protection. For individuals, this means having the ability to identify, use and defend against the various types of attacks and advanced persistent threats (APTs).

Cybersecurity Weakness #1: Human Firewall

We all know that the internet is a major target for hackers. It’s a primary way they try to gain access to your personal information and steal your identity. While many people might consider their Wi-Fi or Internet at home to be a secure zone, the truth is anything, from your hard drive to your smartphone is vulnerable to cyberattacks. This is why users connected to the Internet need to be aware of warning signs and risks of their information being compromised.

A standard firewall is software or device that blocks unauthorized access to a network. It’s a basic security tool that protects your computer from unwanted traffic. A human firewall is a term used to describe someone who is trained well enough with computers to know how to secure the network. This involves training workers so that they are vigilant and know how to recognize warning signs.

Preparation for cybercriminals is a definite need and starts with the end user. Cybercriminals are getting smarter and better at attacking vulnerable networks and devices. The solution to most cyber attacks is to change your behavior to avoid getting hacked. Here are 3 basic steps to follow to get started on becoming on a human firewall:

1. Be Vigilant. Be aware of any suspicious online activity.

2. Change Your Behavior. For example, by sharing less personal information on the Internet.

3. Get the right tools. Implement security measures such as VPNs or firewalls.

Cybersecurity Weakness #2: Education

Data breaches, cyberattacks, and the potential for mass data theft and destruction are at the forefront of global security concerns. The public is expected to do their due diligence to protect themselves, but they have been slow to respond, largely because they lack sufficient information about how to respond. Organizations need to understand the challenges and opportunities of the 21st-century security environment, and to develop plans for dealing with threats.

A major problem is the lack of knowledge about cybersecurity and the lack of protection among the world’s public about the risks that exist. This lack of this awareness, in turn, prevents the public from taking all the necessary precautions, and from having the necessary protection against cyberthreats. This is why conferences, publications, and other means that educate about cybersecurity are very important. Some even believe that cybersecurity should be incorporated in education as early as grade school.

While cybersecurity programs are being introduced and created at the university level, and certification programs are being created at the professional development level, there still hasn’t been widespread adoption of these programs. This is largely because there is a lack of understanding of how organizations can benefit from them.

The problem with existing cybersecurity educational programs is that they focus on providing general knowledge of cybersecurity problems and solutions instead of focusing on how to apply their skills specifically to protect themselves from common cyberthreats such as password hacking or ransomware. This may be because the information security industry is still relatively new and there is not enough research about what works, so they are flying blind.

Hiring a Team of Experts

The solution is to invest in a cybersecurity team that can turn an organization into a team of human firewalls. Human firewalls are not a one-time solution, they require constant maintenance and education. There is no such thing as an impenetrable firewall. The way to create and maintain a strong human firewall is to hire or cultivate team members that can regularly analyze the network for weak spots.

Cybersecurity is a fast-growing field. It’s important to make sure that your business is protected from hackers, ransomware, viruses, and other threats. This is why it’s important to hire a team of experts to take care of your cybersecurity needs.

As hackers become more creative, their attacks are becoming more complex and sophisticated. At the same time, attackers are becoming more sophisticated; they are using new attack techniques, such as DDoS attacks, phishing, and malware, to steal or destroy data. The complexity of today’s cybersecurity challenges is such that a one-person team cannot handle them. Employers need a dedicated team to help.

Enter AGT, a team of IT professionals that can help your organization meet its cybersecurity initiatives. From monitoring to educating your team, AGT provides an all-inclusive team of professionals that can get the job done right. Learn more about AGT here.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Anas Chbib

Founder and Group CEO at AGT-Advanced German Technology | Delivering innovative leading cybersecurity solutions | Digital forensics